FINALLY 🥳👏🥳 the silly season is here! 🤩😈🤡🤠💃🤹♀️ What is it?
Tomorrow on the 11th of the 11th at exactly 11.11 a.m. in many cities in #Germany, but especially in those of #NorthRhineWestphalia, a different kind of season starts again!
Normally, Germany, like many other countries, has four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Four!?
Not quite. Because #carnival is known as the #fifthseason in Germany, and #Cologne in particular is known for its festivities in this regard.
It begins every year on 11.11. and ends on #AschMittwoch Ash Wednesday (22.02.23).
This day is celebrated with particularly elaborate parades and costumes and is also a public holiday!
Until then, #NRW prepares for new rivalries. Where will the best carnival be celebrated this year or in general?
We are curious. Is it in #Cologne, #Düsseldorf, #Mainz,...?
Wherever it may be, we wish #köllealaaf, #mainzhelau, #DüsseldorfHelau, or simply #helau
Let the festivities begin! 🎭